Weigh Anchor and Hoist the Mizzen!
Vol. 5, Issue 5
Annual Blue and Gold Banquet Sunday February 25th
Yo, Ho! A Pirates Life for Me! I mean Happy Birthday Scouts and fare thee well AOL's as you walk the plank. The Blue & Gold is the banquet of scouts and scalawags celebrating the joy of scouts. Pack 350 will be celebrating at the American Legion.
Avast ye mateys the ship sales at 3pm. Please RSVP by Wednesday, the 21st. .
**Each family member attending is a spot....i.e. Mom, Dad, Scout, and Sibling is 4 spots.
Did Me Ears Hear Dessert?
They did Bucko. A family friendly bake off is summoned. ARRGGGH... prevent a mutiny the Captain has set the following rules:
The dessert shall represent the theme: Pirates of the Caribbean
The scout plus any member in your household may partake
EVERYTHING must be edible: Decorations, Accessories, Etc
There are 3 chances to win:
Best Use of Theme
Yummiest Looking
Most Creative
Other Important Notes!
Sunday February 18th
A little to chilly to be hiking outdoors so let's bring it inside for Camping Academy and practice our scout skills. The fun starts at 1pm at the American Legion.
A hiking stick station will also be open through out the event for scouts to visit.
Don't Forget! We have a monthly hike!
If you missed this months hike with the pack it's not too late to hit the trails at Hoover on your own.
Here are the requirements:
Location must be the same as designed for the pack hike
Miles logged will be a max of 3 miles. Meaning if the scout is having so much fun that they end up hiking 5 great but we will only be logging 3 or if a lion can only hike 1.5 miles then they would get 1.5 miles logged.
Only 1 hike may be used for the monthly hike. meaning if a scout goes every weekend to hike 3 miles...yea but we are only logging 1, 3 mile hike
Use the Alt Trails App to log your hike route and length. Send a screenshot of the route with miles from the app to Ms Kim(kjhedman@gmail.com) and she will get it logged.
Reminder: At the Pack level miles are rounded to the nearest half mile....so if you hike 1.10 miles this will be logged as 1 mile....if you hike 1.36 miles this will be logged at 1.5.
Program Changes
BSA has announced that starting June 2024 the Cubscout program will be revamped.
The BSA is slowly releasing information on the changes.
Den leaders and parents that want to be in the know on what these changes entitle please visit: https://www.scouting.org/program-updates/cub-scout-program-updates-announced/
In the announcement you will find a link to Cub Chats. Cub Chats is a monthly webinar where they will be sharing information regarding the changes.
2024 IOLS and BALOO Dates
6/1 - 6/2 9 a.m.(Sat) to 4 p.m. (Sun)
8/24 - 8/25 9 a.m.(Sat) to 4 p.m. (Sun)
Location: Camp Big Timber, 37W955 Big Timber Road, Elgin, Il.
Cost: Free for Leaders
BALOO: Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation Course
BALOO Course Description:
Required for any Cub scout level Den or Pack leader to host overnight campouts
Topics covered:
Adventure Loops: Tips and Tricks for incorporation
Health and Safety: Unique Situations; Risk reduction
Large Group Games: Tips and Tricks;ideas
Outdoor Ceremonies: Recognition; Planning
Registration closes two weeks before each course or when full: https://scoutingevent.com/127-76814
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills ( IOLS):
Recommended for Troop and Crew Committee Members, Charter Org. Reps., Webelos Leaders, Cubmasters/ Assistant Cubmasters and Pack Committee Members interested in learning basic outdoor camping skills for the Boy Scout Program.
Participants are required to stay overnight as a part of this course.
IOLS Course Description:
Emphasis will be placed upon learning the following skills:
Campsite Selection: Basics; Tent and Bag Specifications
Cooking and Sanitation: Prep; Storage; Meal Planning
Fires, Stoves, Campfires: Equipment; Safety; Campfire Planning
Interfaith Services: Inclusion; Incorporation at Camp-outs
Outdoor Ethics: Leave No Trace; Tread Lightly!; Outdoor Code
Packing and Hiking: Proper Gear; Packing Techniques
Plant and Animal ID: Native and Invasive Species; Tracking
Map and Compass: Basics; GPS; Geo cache
Ropes and Knots: Whipping; Tying; Lashing
Woods Tools: Pocketknife; Camp Saw; Ax; Proper Care and Use; Whittling Chip