January 2021
Vol. 2, Issue 5
Key3 Korner: Start Your Engines
Pack leadership has decided for the safety of all our Scout families to run the PWD without an audience. Please know this decision was not made lightly and it was decided for the wellbeing of all our scouts.
What does this mean?
After all cars have been checked in the leadership will record the race. After the race has been completed a video will be released for your viewing pleasure. The video will require some editing so it will not be released same day. Also, if you have a digital camcorder, desire at least 4, you would be willing to allow the Pack to use please email pack350acm@gmail.com.
Why can't you just live stream it on FaceBook?
Not all of our families have FaceBook accounts that are linked to our page. Additionally, if the interne connection goes out or another unforeseeable technical issue occurs we may not be able to rectify or realize the issue resulting in missed races.
How do I check in my car?
Check in will occur on race day from 11am to 12:30pm in time slots assigned by den:
Upcoming Events
11:00-11:15 Tigers
11:15-11:30 Wolves
11:30-11:45 Bears
11:45-12:00 Webelos
12:00-12:15 Arrow of Lights
What if my car fails inspection?
A basic modification table will be available similar to previous years or you may leave and return before check in closes.
When will I receive my car back and trophy?
Cars and trophies will be distributed at February Pack night.
What happens if my car "wrecks" during the race?
Normally, the scout and parent would attempt to make any necessary repairs. Due to the need to run a virtual race the Cubmaster and Committee Chair will make these repairs as they see fit and are able.
Do you still need parent volunteers?
You betcha! We need 2-3 parents to help with track setup, Sat the 23rd, starting at 1pm and 2 parents to run the car check in table from 11am-12:30pm.
Track Setup is at Stewart Farms
Check-in is at the American Legion
Please sign up if you are willing and able to assist.
The Pack has two openings that require immediate filing:
Advancement Chair
Both of these positions are currently being vacated by an AOL parent in February and we need your help to ensure the Pack continues past February.
If interested please contact Joe Peters.
Covid has brought many challenges to the Pack. By adjusting to these challenges we continue to provide a quality scouting program.
January Pack Night
Don't see Pack Night on the calendar? That's because it was cancelled
What about advancements?
All advancements will be distributed at PWD car check in
I thought I heard we would be pieing our leaders?
You did hear that but we will be delaying that for Pack night in February.