February 2021


Vol. 2, Issue 6

Key3 Korner: Return to Phase 4

How exciting! Region 2 has returned to phase 4 mitigation, thus easing restrictions put in place since November.

The return of full Pack Night

That's right February Pack night will no longer be time slots. Under phase 4 we may once again meet indoors as a larger group starting at 6:30pm. Similar to October Pack Night, you will sit with your family at a table and masks will be required. Please complete the health assessment prior to arrival.

To commemorate the return of Pack Night and to recognize our hard working Popcorn Sellers we will be pieing the leaders. With 22 pies it is sure to be a messy fun event!

Additionally, PWD cars will be returned and trophies awarded.

Blue and Gold

Blue and Gold is a wonderful time of celebration for the whole family. Not only is it the celebration of scouting but a time dedicated to seeing our class of Arrow of Lights take the next steps in their scouting journey into BSA.

Pack Leadership has decided to combine the celebration of Scouting with Spring Crossover. The Arrow of Lights will be invited back to partake in the Father-Scout bake off, Brag Vest Parade, and the various other aspects that make up the Blue and Gold.

Upcoming Events

The Arrow of Lights will still crossover on February 28th. These Scouts have worked hard completing their achievements and integration into a Troop early is needed. A private Den 9 celebration will be held to honor the AOL Scouts and their families. The ceremony will be recorded and shared with the rest of the Pack post event. Additional details will be shared with Den 9 families.

During this celebration, Pack Leadership would like to play a good-bye video for the Den 9 scouts from the rest of the pack. Please take a moment to record a quick video of your scout saying farewell. Some dens may record this as a group message at their next den meeting. Please return the videos to Pack350acm@gmail.com by February 21st.

Covid has brought many challenges to the Pack. By adjusting to these challenges we continue to provide a quality scouting program.

Pack 350's goal has been, is, and always will be to provide a quality program.

Last March, as the world collectively held their breath, nearly everything was paused for what most believed would be a "short" period of time. This included Pack activities. As COVID-19 continued, the Pack took action. Pausing scouting was not an option, we needed to adjust.

As Pack Leadership looks back over the last year, we ask ourselves have we provided a quality program during covid? Has the quality been felt at the pack, den, and scout level?

Our answer is yes, yes we have but....is that the reality felt by our scouting families?

So, once again we need your feedback. Please take 5 mins to complete this survey.

PWD Race Results

The PWD results are posted to the PWD page, under Winner Circle.

The results are posted by:

Overall Standing in the Pack

Overall Standing by Rank

Heat Results by Rank

Arrow of Lights Crossover


The Pack has an opening that requires immediate filing:

Advancement Chair

This position is currently being vacated by an AOL parent in February and we need your help to ensure the Pack continues past February.

If interested please contact Joe Peters.